Friday, January 29, 2016

I Just Coughed

My day has been pretty normal so far. I've surfed Facebook and Youtube for a while, done laundry, watched a General Conference talk that didn't inspire me as much as I hoped it would. Typical Friday. Then, just now, as I was desperately searching for something I could blog about before I have to go catch my bus, I coughed.

Coughing is not normally and unusual or noteworthy occurrence. People cough from time to time. But lately, I had been coughing quite a bit. My throat was sore, it hurt to swallow, and I had to take a cough drop every fit hours to keep myself from going into coughing fits. Eventually, my coughing subsided, my my throat stayed sore and painful until... well, I'm really not sure when.

My throat doesn't hurt right now. I don't remember it having hurt yesterday. Earlier than that, I really can't remember whether my throat hurt or not. Now, this could simply be that I had adapted to the pain or that I was enduring it so well that I don't even remember it, but I don't think that's the case. I think the pain has stopped, and I should thank God for that, but I really didn't notice when the pain stopped. In fact, if I hadn't coughed a moment ago, I still might not have noticed that my throat is feeling alright.

That happens too often in our lives. We experience hardship, and we pray for God to relieve it, but He sometimes does so so gradually that we don't notice our burden being lifted. It's like the boiling frog, but instead of getting into trouble so gradually we don't notice it, God gets us out of trouble so gradually that we don't notice, or fully appreciate, His help.

Thanks to a little tickle in my throat, I have just noticed that my throat is fine, and I thank God for that. If you have ever had a problem in your life, ask yourself whether you still have that problem now. If not, thank God for that. If not, keep praying about it and working on it until the problem goes away. And when it goes away, try to notice it and to thank God for that. Noticing the relief of your trial may be harder than you think.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Bless you

So true how easily we take the normal day-to-day blessings for granted. We shouldn't have to get sick or hurt to appreciate when our bodies don't hurt. We need to pause every now and then and look around and count our daily little blessings. I think the more we are grateful, the happier we will be. And I hope that the more we are thankful for what we have, the less likely God is going to feel the need to take it away to make us appreciate it.