Monday, January 11, 2016

He Knows You Can Win

If there's any question as to the truthfulness of this statement, consider this: God doesn't give anyone more than they can handle. If God gives you a challenge, that means that you, with God's help, can handle that challenge. The tougher challenges you can handle, the tougher challenges God can throw at you. While I still don't know if it's strictly true that God gives His hardest battles to His toughest soldiers, I know that He wouldn't give you a battle unless He knew that you could win it.


Rozy Lass said...

I believe that God DOES give us more than we can handle so that we will turn to him in our hour of need and ask for his help. I've certainly had trials so difficult that I wanted to curl up and die. I had no idea how to get through them. With the help of a loving Father and through the grace of my Savior I was able to endure horrific emotional pain and come out the other side of the trials whole and healed. I have felt encircled in the arms of His love at a time when I thought no one else on earth loved me. I can identify with the handcart pioneers who said they came to know God in their extremities. Me too!

motherof8 said...

God might give us more than we can handle ALONE, but not more than we can handle WITH HIM.