Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Still Blogging

I was hoping that I'd see or experience something I could blog about while running errands today. That didn't happen. I should pick up the habit of sharing blogworthy picture quotes on Facebook so I could grab them off of my profile page when I run out of other ideas, but I haven't really been doing that much either. Also, I should get into the habit of blogging in the daytime, preferably in the morning, so I could go to bed at a reasonable hour, and maybe read some scriptures before bed, so it's more likely that I'll be able to come up with something to blog about. I wonder how many of my blog posts are, or at least start with, apologies for not being better at blogging.

But hey, I'm blogging. There was a Facebook photo I saw recently and cant' find now that basically says "No matter how slowly you're going, you're lapping everyone on the couch." Several times, I've proven that I really stink at blogging. Sure, a few of my blog posts turn out okay, but that's mostly because I have churned out so many blog posts, over a thousand by now, that a handful of them were bound to be gems, no matter how bad at blogging I am. That all sounds pretty negatively, but looking at it positively, I've had some success. Even though I'm a really slow learner, and even though many of my blog posts haven't actually been blogworthy, I've written at least a handful of decent blog posts, mostly because I never stopped writing blog posts.

I blog every day. I didn't quit when I went to Scout Camp and couldn't blog for a while. I didn't quit when I didn't get a blog post in before midnight and technically missed a day (that's happened several times, actually). And I didn't quit when I actually did miss a day through no fault but my own. I still blog every day, even when I have nothing good to blog about, and that tenacity has given me some measure of success. I've written a few good blog posts. I've written countless mediocre blog posts, too, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I keep at it.

The chance of a person rolling a Yahtzee in one roll is 1 in 1296. That's about a 0.07% chance. But that's assuming that a person only rolls once and then gives up. As long as a person keeps rolling for that Yahtzee, and doesn't quit until they get it, their odds of getting that Yahtzee increase to 100%. It may not work for everything, but for many things, if you keep trying long enough, eventually you succeed. You might have to roll the dice well over a thousand times, but eventually, you will roll a natural Yahtzee.

So here I am, at 11:53 PM, blogging about nothing for the umpteenth time, knowing that, even though this blog post wasn't worth the time you invested in reading it, if I just keep blogging every day, occasionally some of those blog posts will be good ones. And I'll make you a promise right now: If you keep holding out for those good, blogworthy blog posts, so will I. I don't know when I'll stop blogging. I suppose I'll have to eventually. But until then, I'm going to keep posting blog posts every day, partly because I promised God and myself that I would, and partly because I know that at least a few of those posts will be worth reading.

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