Friday, January 8, 2016

Pray to See the Good in Them

Just this morning, I shared Brittany Olson's blog post, How to Love People Who Are Hard to Love. The main point that I took away from her blog post is to pray for them. And not just to pray for them to change, or even to pray for the patience to love them despite their flaws, but to pray to be able to see them the way God sees them, to see the good in them. And when you see the good in them, pray to God in appreciation for that person's positive traits, especially when you pray together with them. If you do that, God will help you focus on the good. He will help you feel more positive and content. He will help you to look beyond the traits that make the person difficult to love, and that will make you more able to love them.

God has commanded us to love and serve pretty much everyone we meet, but some people are easier to love and serve than others. Yet, God loves everyone. Maybe it'd be a good idea to ask God what He sees in the people we don't like. As long as we ask sincerely and look for those people's positive traits, He can help us see them. And when we see what God loves about those people, that will make it easier for us to keep the commandment to love them as well.

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