Sunday, January 31, 2016


I don't know how many of my readers haven't seen Star Wars: the Force Awakens yet. Hopefully, not too many of you. I just saw it yesterday, and there's a moral from that movie that I want to blog about. I'm going to try not to spoil too much of the movie. The only allusions I make will be to things that the movie tells you pretty early on. But if you haven;t seen the movie yet and you don't want to hear any spoilers, or even any hints of spoilers, you might not want to read this blog post just yet.

The title of this blog post is Choosing Light or Darkness.

In Star Wars: the Force Awakens, there are two characters who are brought up in either light or darkness, but who, with some difficulty, choose to follow the opposite side than the one they'd been raised to support. By the way, that's about as much of a spoiler as you're going to get from me. Let me know if you think I went overboard on the warning.

These two characters showed me that, regardless of how we're raised, we each can (and must) choose whether we're going to walk in light or darkness. It is a personal choice. Our parents, teachers, and/or religious leaders may be able to make that choice harder or easier for us, but it is still our choice to make. No one can choose for us.

In one sense, this message can give us hope. If you feel like you were born into darkness, you don't need to despair thinking that there is only more darkness in your future. You can choose the light.

On the other hand, this message can serve as a warning. Even those raised in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have to personally choose to follow Him or they may fall into darkness.

A wise man once said that "the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." Some characters in Star Wars: the Force Awakens made choices that went against their upbringing and forever altered the courses of their lives. We can do the same thing, if we have to, or if we're not careful.

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