Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Checking for Messages Throughout the Day

This morning, I missed a text. Normally, this isn't a very big deal. Texts are usually low urgency. However, this particular text message was pretty important (though not quite urgent), and by the time I got the message, I wish I had gotten it sooner. Granted, everything worked out okay. I got the message eventually, and everything was fine. But when it comes to messages from our Heavenly Father, we aren't always that lucky.

God frequently tries to communicate with us through His Holy Spirit. I would guess that He tries to send us countless messages each day. Yet, I can only guess. Through the hustle and bustle of life, we don't always hear the still, small voice of The Spirit, and when we miss messages from Him, we're generally out of luck. Those time-sensitive messages don't just sit in our phones, waiting for us to notice them. They happen when they happen, and when they're gone, they're gone.

We should try to be open to receiving those messages. Ideally, we should try to be in-tune with the Spirit at all times, but in practice, we often aren't. My hopefully more practical solution is a frequently repeated practice of prayer and listening. Whenever you get moment, pray and ask God if His has any messages for you, and then listen and keep listening as long as you can manage. It's possible that, at the time when you ask, God will have a message for you which you previously missed, but which is still relevant, and which God might resend, when He knows you're listening.

Granted, we are still going to miss plenty of messages,and many of them will be missed for good, but if we make a habit of frequently checking and listening for messages, I bet we'll hear those messages more often.

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