Friday, May 15, 2020

Good and Bad Advice

Another lesson I learned from those Better Than Yesterday videos is that advice can be good or bad depending on the recipient and their circumstances. For example, hard work is, in general, a good principle, and it's generally good advice to work harder and not waste so much time, but if a person is a workaholic or is exhausted, "work harder" wouldn't necessarily be good advice for them.

The same goes with literally any advice I've ever given, on my blog or off of it. Sure, they may be good principles in general, but that doesn't mean that it's good advice for you. You are an individual. Individuals are different from each other. What's good and/or important for me might not be good or important for you. We are supposed to learn "line upon line, precept upon precept." If you're on a different "line" than I am in any given area, then the advice I give myself in that area doesn't apply to you.

So, the challenge for each of us is to decide for ourselves whether a particular piece of advice is good or bad advice for us at this time. I need to decide for myself what advice I'm going to follow, and I think that you should decide for yourself what advice you'll follow and what advice you won't follow. Of course, that's just my advice, which may be good or bad for you right now, so you can take it or leave it.

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