Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Overcoming and Using Inertia

Something in Elder Benjamin M. Z. Tai's April 2020 General Conference talk reminds me of something I mentioned in a recent blog post, Positive Feedback Loops: Spiritual Inertia

Having inertia means that we tend to keep going in whatever direction we're going, or that we'll tend to stay still if we're not moving. If we're heading in the wrong direction, or if we're not moving at all, inertia is a force that may impede our progress; however, Elder Tai said, "By consistently applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives, we will overcome inertia that impedes change and fear that foils action." 

Regardless of which direction we're moving in and at what speed, applying the doctrine of Christ can help us get moving in the right direction and build up our momentum in that direction. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the key to overcoming and using Spiritual Inertia.

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