Monday, May 11, 2020

Imperceptible Progress

This morning, I watched a video that illustrated how progress can be slow to the point of being nigh imperceptible. The video argues that results take time and that we should be patient and persistent as we strive toward our goals.

I'm not particularly good at this. I've picked up the habit of blogging easily enough, and I'm sure I have other good habits as well, but when I try to develop new good habits, I often get frustrated with the apparent lack of results, or rather the lack of apparent results.

I need to learn to let go of my desire for quick solutions, easy answers, and instant gratification. Most diets and exercise routines take weeks, or even months of consistent application to begin to show results. Why should I expect spiritual development to be any faster? Our eternal progress is a process that will take the better part of eternity. I shouldn't expect to see a difference after only a day or two.

Most change happens slowly. Trees grow slowly. Mountains rise and erode slowly. People grow slowly. I shouldn't be alarmed or disheartened if my progress seems unbearably, imperceptibly slow.

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