Sunday, November 20, 2022

God is Seated

Right after Sacrament Meeting today, I saw a little girl standing in the doorway between the Chapel and the Foyer. She was crying for her mother, but her mother was seated nearby, on the couch in the foyer, calling to the little girl. There were no obstructions between the girl and her mother. The mother was in plain sight of the girl. The little girl wanted her mother, but all she had to do to be with her mother was to walk back to where her mother was sitting.

Naturally, when I saw this, I thought of God. We are all currently distant from God. We want Him in our lives, and we wish He would come to us, pick us up, and carry us back to where we can sit with Him. But God is seated. He isn't going to come down from heaven to pick up each of us individually. It's up to each of us to go to Him.

I don't quite recall which person moved first to reconnect the girl and her mother. I think it was the mother who went to her little girl, but I couldn't say for sure. But I can say that God doesn't seem to come down to His children as often as they ask Him to. Rather, He calls us to ascend to Him. Of course, He makes sure it's possible for us to come to Him, and He even sends us helpers to guide and support us on our way back to Him, but He Himself remains seated, so it's up to us to make our way back to Him so we can sit down beside Him.

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