Thursday, November 17, 2022

I Love Autumn

I love autumn. I love the cooler air, the scattered breeze and showers. I especially love the changing colors of the leaves. I live in Sacramento, the city of trees, and many of those trees are deciduous. I love that the trees' colors grow warmer as the air itself grows cooler. But even as the air cools, I can bundle up, maybe turn on a heater or light a fire in a fireplace, and drink hot chocolate.

Naturally, there are also the holidays. I'm not much of a fan of Halloween, but as soon as November starts, the ghoulish decorations start to get replaced with festive ones as everyone gets ready for Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.

I like the quiet, reflective moments I get to enjoy as I think about the people I love and the people who love me, and I feel grateful for everything in my life that led me to where I am now. Sure, my life isn't perfect, but autumn isn't about perfection; it's about change, and I feel like my life is changing for the better. It feels warmer in some ways, and perhaps cooler than others, but it's certainly more colorful, and I have ways I can brace for the cold. I'm not looking forward to the coming winter storms, but I'll manage. The seasons are changing, and though it isn't always pleasant, change can be good.

I love autumn. It's beautiful. It's colorful. And I'm prepared to brace for the cold.

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