Sunday, February 21, 2021

Everyone, Repent

D&C 18:6 Behold, the world is ripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.

It was true in 1829, and it's true in 2021. More and more, we see evil being tolerated and even proclaimed as good, while good is being ridiculed and proclaimed as evil. The sword of justice hangs over the world, and unless we want the world to end, we need to make sure there's enough righteousness in the world to delay God's judgement. 

Naturally, that means reaching out and preaching repentance, just as in 1829, but it also means practicing what we preach. We, too, need to regularly repent and make sure that we are righteous enough to tip the scales of justice in Earth's favor. More people outside the church need to repent, and people inside the church need to repent more than they already do. Both the Gentiles and the house of Israel need to be stirred up unto repentance. Because, if we, as a human race, fail to repent sufficiently, what comes next isn't going to go well for most of us.

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