Friday, February 19, 2021

Share the Work

This evening, I had the opportunity to help clean the church building. Originally, it had been my job to organize and direct volunteers in cleaning the building. Under the lightened restrictions, where we could meet together, but with strict limitations, I did the cleaning myself. It didn't seem to make sense to ask for volunteers to help me clean the handful of rooms we were using. This evening landed somewhere between those two extremes. I wasn't just directing volunteers to do the cleaning, and I wasn't just doing all the cleaning myself. This evening, there were volunteers who, despite having other matters to attend to, also made time to share the work of cleaning.

I sometimes wonder how much of the work of our own salvation God expects us to do. I know we can't to it all on our own. That's just impossible. But we also can't just sit back and wait for God to save us. We are required to put in some effort. I just don't know exactly how much. Maybe it's different depending on the individual and their circumstances. Regardless, it seems clear to me that God wants us to share the work of salvation. He can't or won't do it for us, and we can't do it alone. We need to share the work.

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