Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Joy of Service

Yesterday, I helped a friend help his grandmother deal with a lot of garbage that had piled up behind her shed. Much of it was heavy and filthy and gross, and we ended up taking two loads and a total of around 1600 pounds of garbage to the dump. It was hard word, and parts of it were rather unpleasant, but it was satisfying. It felt good to help my friend help his grandma. I plan to return to give them more help soon.

This is a feeling I had almost forgotten. I used to love helping people, but other time, helping others grew to feel more and more like a chore. I had lost the joy of service. But as I helped my friend and his grandmother, I felt some of that joy come back. I look forward to helping them more and feeling more of that joy. I want that joy to be part of my life and personality again. I hope that, as I help others voluntarily, I'll grow to get that joy back.

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