Wednesday, February 17, 2021

"Fragile" Blessings

Not long ago, I was upset at God for His blessings being "fragile," easy to lose at the slightest misstep. I even wondered whether God's blessings were worth seeking at all, if they were so easy to lose. It's not necessarily wise to spend a fortune on fragile, glass ornaments that are just going to break on you. However, I've learned since then that that wasn't the problem.

The problem wasn't that God's blessings were fragile. The problem was that I wasn't living faithfully enough to earn them. I find it oddly difficult to maintain a habit of prayer and scripture study (despite my apparent ability a habit of blogging). I sometimes allow myself to entertain less-than-holy thoughts an emotions, such as complaints about the apparent fragility of blessings. I won't air all my dirty laundry online, but let it suffice to say that God had good reason to withhold His blessings.

The problem was not that God's blessings were too "fragile." The problem was that I broke His rules.

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