Monday, April 19, 2021

Faith Talk - The Law of Faith

“Deny not the power of God,” the prophet Moroni declared, “for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men.” It is our faith that unlocks the power of God in our lives.

Only your unbelief will keep God from blessing you with miracles to move the mountains in your life.

Faith always increases our access to godly power.

Those were all quotes taken from President Nelson's recent talk on faith, italics in the originals.

I'm starting to thing that faith isn't so much a "Trust me; I'll help you" thing and more of a Fundamental Force of the Universe thing. Maybe God isn't asking us to have faith in Him before He blesses us with miracles. Maybe He's asking us to have faith in Him because that's how miracles work. Maybe it's not so much that God chooses not to bless people with miracles because they don't have faith, but more that God can't bless people with miracles unless they have faith.

I know that there are some grand, cosmic laws that predate and even place some restrictions on God's Godhood. One of these is the Law of Justice. Even God Himself cannot rob Justice without ceasing to be God. Maybe something similar is true for Faith. It could be that there is a "Law of Faith" that determines how much power God can exercise in our lives, based on our faith. If it's true that our unbelief can keep God from blessing us, and it is our faith that unlocks the power of God in our lives, that implies that God's power would be locked or kept back without our faith, which would sound really weird if I wasn't already familiar with how the Law of Justice places restrictions and limitations on God's power.

Some say that God is all-powerful, but I believe that God's power (to forgive sin and to perform miracles on our behalf, for example) is limited by the Law of Justice and, perhaps, by the Law of Faith as well.

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