Friday, April 23, 2021

Faith Talk - Why Faith Is Great

Sometime early on in my talk, Iwant to talk about why faith is so great. Of course, we could take President Nelson's word for it that "Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life" (italics in the original), but it would be great if I could back that up with anything concrete and specific. Thankfully, President Nelson has me covered.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of all belief and the conduit of divine power.

Everything good in life—every potential blessing of eternal significance—begins with faith.

“Deny not the power of God,” the prophet Moroni declared, “for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men.” It is our faith that unlocks the power of God in our lives.

Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life, even though your personal challenges may loom as large as Mount Everest.

Your mountains may be loneliness, doubt, illness, or other personal problems. Your mountains will vary, and yet the answer to each of your challenges is to increase your faith.

He paid the compensatory price and provided the power for you to move every mountain you will ever face. You obtain that power with your faith, trust, and willingness to follow Him.

Miracles come according to your faith in the Lord.

Only your unbelief will keep God from blessing you with miracles to move the mountains in your life.

The Savior is never closer to you than when you are facing or climbing a mountain with faith.

The mountains in our lives do not always move how or when we would like. But our faith will always propel us forward. Faith always increases our access to godly power.

Your growing faith in Him will move mountains—not the mountains of rock that beautify the earth but the mountains of misery in your lives. Your flourishing faith will help you turn challenges into unparalleled growth and opportunity.

Naturally, I can't include all of these quotes in my talk. I'll have to narrow it down to a few key quotes, and even then, I may have to shorten them. I definitely want to make sure I talk about how every blessing begins with faith, how faith always increases our access to godly power, and how only our unbelief could stop God from blessing us with the miracles to move our mountains. With those key points, and a brief summary of President Nelson's 5 suggestions, I think I'll have the topic fairly well covered.

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