Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Judgement is the Lord's

Mormon 8:19 For behold, the same that judgeth rashly shall be judged rashly again; for according to his works shall his wages be; therefore, he that smiteth shall be smitten again, of the Lord.

At first glance, this looks like the standard "an eye for an eye" type of verse, but then we get to the last three words of the verse. This scripture says "he that smiteth shall be smitten again, of the Lord." It's not our job to smite people. In fact, the next verse so fairly explicitly:

Mormon 8:20 Behold what the scripture says—man shall not smite, neither shall he judge; for judgment is mine, saith the Lord, and vengeance is mine also, and I will repay.

There may be some moral truth behind "an eye for an eye" style of justice, but it's not our place to go around plucking out eyes. It's not for us to judge, and it's our job to smite those who have done wrong. We can and should protect ourselves and each other, especially from those who have shown a willingness to cause harm, but it's not our place to harm them in return. We are not the ones who should seek vengeance. Let's let God take care of all that.

While we shouldn't let evildoers continue to do evil, it's not our place to judge or punish those who have done evil. That's God's job. So, when we are smitten, don't smite back. Just step back, take a deep breath, and let God handle it. God will see to it that justice is done.

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