Saturday, November 14, 2020

"Who Am I?" - A Child of God

This afternoon, as I was cleaning the church, I listened to 89.7 KLOVE. The songs on that radio channel aren't all doctrinally sound, but they are often uplifting. As I was cleaning the bathrooms, one song in particularly stood out to me, with a refrain of "Who am I to be loved by You?" And what I loved most about this song was that I have an answer to that question. We are children of God. He loves us, in spite of everything, because we are His children.

The song mentions "bad decisions" and how God knows us, perhaps a little too well: "You see the best and the worst in me." But even after seeing us at our worst and bearing the brunt of our "bad decisions," God loves us. As the song says, "somehow you really love who I really am," but from what I know, the "somehow" is pretty clear, because "who [we] really [are]" is children of God.

Just as earthly parents can love their children, despite everything, so too can our Heavenly Father love us, despite everything. We may sometimes feel like "no one should ever love [us] like [God does]," but God does love us, and He will always love us, no matter what, because we are His children.

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