Saturday, August 13, 2022

A Good Work-Rest Balance

I need to find a good work-rest balance. Such a balance could be incredibly helpful to me, especially if I can make it a sustainably repeating pattern. Case in point, I worked myself pretty hard this morning, first with cleaning the church building and then with taking some stuff to the dump for my friend's grandma. I even did some work helping take care of my sister when I got home. By early afternoon, I was exhausted, and I spent the rest of the day accomplishing very little.

That wasn't efficient. Had I paced myself, taken shorter, more frequent rests, and forced myself to return to work when I was sufficiently rested, I probably could've gotten more done today, and I would have felt better about doing it. I guess what I need to do is figure out what I'm capable of, to find out what I can do, to not push myself beyond that limit, but also to not let myself fall too far short of my potential.

It's a difficult balance to strike, it's different for each person, and it changes as our capabilities and endurance levels change. Still, it'd be helpful to let me use my energy more efficiently, rather than burning it up too quickly and/or letting it go to waste. It'll take conscious effort at first, but finding a good work-rest balance could be really good for me.

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