Friday, August 12, 2022


I was terribly, deliriously tired an hour ago, but I feel better now that I've taken a short rest. People need rest. We can't work constantly, or we'll burn ourselves out. Rest is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health. Rest also helps us regain the energy we need to work more effectively. In fact, I plan on taking a nice, long rest right after this, so I'll have the strength I need for the work I'll do tomorrow.

Rest is important. Even God rested (despite not needing to) and instituted a weekly day of rest because He knew how important rest is, and He knew how important it was to teach us how important it is. We need rest.

So, when you're tired, rest. Your mind and body need it, and it will actually help you make better use of the rest of your time. I rested before blogging, and I think it helped me, and I trust that the rest I'll get soon will help me with the work I'm going to do tomorrow. It's true that you can't work while resting, but you also work have the energy to work if you never rest.

I have work to do tomorrow, but if I'm going to do that work well, I first need to rest.

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