Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Point of the Mountain

I just saw a Facebook post of a quote from Brianna Wiest:

"One day, the mountain that is in front of you will be so far behind you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But the person you become in learning to get over it? That will stay with you forever. And that is the point of the mountain."

We all face challenges and obstacles in life, nigh-insurmountable mountains blocking our path. Yet, we will overcome them. And in so doing, we will gain strength that we could not have gained without them. We need those mountains to strengthen us. That's why God put them in our path and insists that we climb up and over them. Even when these mountains are long behind us, we will still have the strength we gained from overcoming them.

God gave me a mountain to climb, and I've gained a lot from climbing it. It hasn't been an easy hike, but I think that this climb will ultimately be worth the effort. I look forward to the day when I can look back at this mountain far behind me, still carrying the strength I gained from climbing it. That is the point of the mountain, and by the time this is all over, I will have become a better man for climbing it than I would have been without it.

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