Saturday, August 20, 2022

Waking to Inspiration

Wizards of the Coast, the company that owns the rights to create material for D&D, recently released new playtest rules that are being tried out for an upcoming official rules revision. Most of these new rules involve character creation, including new traits for many common races, including Humans. One of the new traits that humans get essentially means that they start the day with Inspiration, and I think that, while this has interesting implications for the upcoming new edition, it is nonetheless a good way to live.

It's good to have a morning routine, a set of actions you perform when you wake up, and I think it's a good idea to make sure your morning routine includes doing something that'll inspire you. A typical way to gain inspiration is to read some scriptures, which we should do daily anyway, but really, any way to invite the Spirit would work. Doing something to attract the Spirit in the morning, be it with scriptures, a hymn, some General Conference quotes, or any other uplifting practice, would be a great way to get the day off to a good start.

I'm not sure what I'll do to add inspiration to my morning routine, but gaining and enjoying the presence of the Spirit seems like a great way to start the day.

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