Saturday, September 10, 2022

All Part of God's Plan

One thing that gives me comfort when times are confusing or difficult is the thought that this is all part of God's plan. God knew this was going to happen. Even if He didn't directly orchestrate it, He still knew it was going to happen, and He has a plan for this and for whatever's going to happen next. God knows what He's doing. And granted, He has an eternal perspective that's tough for us mortals to comprehend sometimes, but that just means that we have to trust Him. We have to trust that everything happens for a reason, and everything is going to work out alright in the end. And that end is going to come when it's supposed to - no sooner, and no later.

So, when times get tough or confusing, let's all just try to remember that God is good, He knows what He's doing, and this is, in some way or another, all part of His plan.

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