Monday, September 19, 2022

Sincere Appreciation

When I came home from work and school today, I noticed (and noted) that Joe had done a lot of work at home. He had emptied the dishwasher, washed and folded a load of towels, and done a good deal of cleaning. I mentioned and thanked him for all these things, partly because I believe in positive reinforcement, but mostly out of a sincere appreciation for the work that he had done to help the household.

I think that it's important to express sincere appreciation for such favors, assistance, and service, especially if one wants it to continue. I know what it's like to feel underappreciated, and I want to make sure that those who help me never feel that way. I'm grateful for the help that others give me, and I want to make sure they know that.

We should all take noted when we notice that others have helped us or done anything we want them to do again. Showing appreciation is one way in which we can encourage behavior, but more importantly, it's a way in which we can encourage people. People feel good when they feel appreciated, and it's good to give them reason to feel that way.

Whether we're trying to encourage behavior or just trying to give thanks, some sincere appreciation can go a long way.

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