Sunday, September 11, 2022

Tracking Tasks

Part of the challenge I'm facing right now is trying to juggle my tasks and responsibilities, including the task of coordinating with those who are helping me. I need to keep track of all my tasks and make sure they all get done by the time they're supposed to. Naturally, sometimes, a task may slip through the cracks and be forgotten, but I try not to let that happen too often. It's tricky, but I'm not sure what else I can do besides keep checking and updating my lists and maybe getting enough sleep to regain the brainpower to try to keep track of it all.

Life gets complex. We just have to do our best to track and complete our tasks as best we can and hope that we don't forget anything too important too often. I'm doing my best out here. But my brain is tired. Maybe I had better give it some rest.

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