Thursday, September 8, 2022

Recycling Relay Race

Recycling is like a relay race, where each racer's job is to get their recycling materials to the next receptacle. As long as everyone does this, the recyclable goods will get recycled. However, if anyone, at any point in the chain, drops the baton by putting the recyclable materials in the garbage, then that glass, plastic, paper, or cardboard will become garbage and probably remain garbage for as long as it continues to exist. We each have a responsibility to move our recycling along, and we are all counting on each other to do so.

We all have a shared responsibility to help take care of the planet. No one person can save the world on our own, but we each have to do what we can. If we all work together and each do our parts, we can preserve our world and keep it clean and healthy.

Granted, there are other people involved, and many of them have far more influence than we do, but it still falls to each of us to do our parts and to encourage others to do the same. Our parts may be small, but we still have to do it. We are all counting on each of us to do our part in this relay race. So don't pass the buck; pass the baton.

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