Saturday, September 3, 2022


Note to Self: Never blog about things going well, at least not without giving God credit. Today went nowhere nearly as well as yesterday. After an event that took the whole morning, I felt tired and drained and in pain (for an unrelated reason), and I did next to nothing for the rest of the day. This was, perhaps, a direct result of my hubris. God doesn't like it when people boast of their own strength or fail to acknowledge His help. So, when I blogged yesterday about how encouragingly well things were going, and I neglected to thank God for His help in making it go so well, perhaps He decided to suspend His aid, so I would learn to be grateful for it.

So, let's take this as a cautionary tale. When things go well, let us thank God for that, even when we feel a certain amount of pride in having done such a good job, supposedly without much help. It almost certainly wouldn't hurt to thank God for the help that He was undoubtedly giving us, and it's certainly not wise to pridefully claim that we did it all ourselves. Granted, I'm not one-hundred percent sure that this is what happened in this case, but the lesson is probably still good, regardless.

I'm grateful to God for the help He gave me yesterday, and I hope He is willing to help me feel and do better tomorrow.  I'm not sure I can do this without Him, and I certain can't do it with Him punishing me for my hubris.

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