Saturday, September 24, 2022

Better Late Than Never

This blog post is late. I aim to publish one blog post on each calendar day, generally some time between 12:00am and 11:59pm. This blog post, the blog post I had intended to write and publish some time on September 23, 2022, is now 22 minutes later, and it's getting later by the minute.

Now, I could simply give up on this blog post. After all, it's late. I'm tired. Better luck next time, right? And yes, I do hope to have better luck, or better forethought, tomorrow (or, technically, later today), but I still want to publish today's (or yesterday's) blog post, even if I do it 25ish minutes late. I have missed very few days of blogging over the last nine and a half years, and I've almost always had good reasons for missing my blog posts when I've had to. I'd rather not miss a day, if I can help it.

So, here it is: My blog post. 30 minutes late, and not terribly profound. Just a quick note to say that something is better than nothing, and it better late than never. This thought (to make it at least slightly spiritual) can be applied to repentance as well. Our steps in the right direction may be small, and they may be a long time coming, but that's okay. A good thing is a good thing, no matter how small or late it is. Don't let being late or tired discourage you. We can still do good. Even if it feels too little, too late, it's not. Anything is better than nothing, and better late than never.


motherof8 said...

This turned out to be an excellent post of hope and encouragement. Thank you for your dedication to keeping your goal and for the excellent lesson here. Thank you for reminding us to not give up, that small steps forward are steps forward, that somethingis better than nothing, and that it is not too late.

Carole & Wilf Tiefenbach said...

I still think you are amazing at the diligence you show, by writing every day!
I’m trying to learn from you & my silly excuse is my chronic fatigue!
You won’t regret doing this years from now! And it’s also a sign of obedience to yourself
and to our Heavenly Father!