Monday, September 5, 2022


One thing I admire about people is their creativity. It's amazing to see people come up with creative solutions to problems, and it's encouraging to see people create great things, from art and ideas to inventions and crafted objects. I love to watch people create.

I think that all people have some aspect of creativity to them, because we were all created to create. God, Our Heavenly Father, is a Creator. Creation is in our blood. We were both with the desire, potential, and proclivity to create. In a way, it's what we were made for, because when we become Gods ourselves, we will become creators as well.

I love creativity. I love helping people create ideas and ways to express their ideas. I love creating stories, both on my own and with my friends. I love seeing what other people have created. Creation is great. I thank God for the creativity I have, and I love seeing the creativity of others.

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