Monday, March 21, 2016

A Well-Timed Trial

For me and several other students, today was the first day of Spring Break. However, I wasn't able to enjoy this first day off very well for two reasons: first, I have a paper due shortly after Spring Break ends, and I need to work on it, and second, I was sick today. This was kind of a bummer to me, it's almost never fun to be sick, but I have to appreciate the good timing. I'd rather be sick when I don't have to go anywhere or do anything than when I have obligations to meet. I didn't miss class or work because of being sick today, and I was still able to work on my paper a little bit. This illness hasn't been fun, and I hope it doesn't last, but if I had to spend a day or two being sick, God picked a good week for this affliction. Sure, it's still annoying to be sick, but I have to be grateful that the sickness came during a week when I have time to take care of myself. My cup of blessings doesn't feel completely full at the moment, but it's at least half-full, and I can be thankful for that.

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