Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blogging Behind Schedule

General Conference season is upon us once again, and I'm entirely unprepared for it. The first session of the April 2016 General Conference has already taken place, and the next five will take place a week from now. This is not a bad thing. In fact, I look forward to getting my spiritual batteries recharged, so to speak. The problem is that I have more than a week worth of General Conference talks to blog about from last Conference, which means that I have a decision to make. Should I continue blogging about the October 2015 General Conference talks until I finish them, even though the April 2016 General Conference has already started, or should I start blogging about the April 2016 General Conference now, dropping the last few talks from the October 2015 Conference?

I'm inclined toward finishing up the last few October 2015 talks. For one thing, I'm a bit of a completionist. I'd like to finish what I started. Also, I don't want to miss out on revisiting the Sunday Afternoon Session talks. Maybe there's an insight in there that I or one of my readers really needs to hear. Besides, being behind schedule for a while, and working to correct that situation may teach me a lesson that I apparently desperately need to learn.

I'm not good at setting and acting on good priorities. I tend to waste time during the day, and end up having to do a lot of my work at night, at the last minute. As a result, I'm typically tired when I blog, and the blog posts I write then aren't my best. On a similar subject, I have a paper due one Wednesday, which I had been planning on writing, or at least working on, this week, but while I have made some progress on the paper, I've also hit roadblocks and wasted hours of my increasingly precious time. I will probably be able to complete my paper by its due date, but I'm afraid that its quality won't be as high as it would've been had I managed my time more effectively this week.

So, I plan on completing the October 2015 talks before I start blogging about the April 2016 General Conference, no matter how much time that takes me, and then I still hope to finish blogging about the April 2016 General Conference talks before next October, even though I've proven that I'm not really great at that. I need to learn how to keep to a timetable and to actually work on my assignments when I need to do so, so I can complete my projects on time. Maybe, with practice, I can learn to develop those skills, and maybe being behind my Conference blogging schedule will motivate me to work on that.

Or maybe it'll discourage me and make me feel overwhelmed and depressed. I suppose that depends mostly on my attitude, and it's a chance that I'm just going to have to take.

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