Saturday, March 5, 2016

No Right to Judge

In my blog post last night, I remarked that I had no right to judge people for being ungrateful. As I wrote that, I realised that I have no right to judge anyone at all. The right to judge is reserved by our Heavenly Father. I don't even have the right to judge myself. Eventually, I'll be a father or some other kind of leader who has the responsibility to judge others. When that happens, I pray that God will guide my judgement, but until then, the only kind of judgement I need is that which relates to the choices I make. For now, my place is to use judgement, not to pass it. I have no right to judge anyone, no matter what faults I think they have. I hope that I can have enough judgement to leave all of that kind of judgement to God.


Rozy Lass said...

I wish we could get in the habit of using a word other than judge. We all need to discern truth from error, right from wrong, good from evil, and that involves judging, even when related to people. No one, though, has the right to condemn, or pronounce final judgement, except our Father in Heaven and His Son. Don't be so hard on your self. We are given the light of Christ in order to judge. See Moroni chapter 7. We can discern whether a person is honest, moral, charitable, or the opposite. We are asked to choose righteous persons when voting; how can we do that without studying them and discerning, or judging, whether they will represent us correctly and wisely? Judgement is not a dirty word. There is a big difference between discernment and condemnation. We are commanded to exercise the first and avoid the second.

motherof8 said...

Well said, Rozy Lass!