Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Uncertainty About Angels

I'm not sure I understand angels. Some people believe in guardian angels, saying that each person has their own angel(s) assigned to them. But as comforting and interesting as it would be to believe that, the idea isn't supported in the scriptures and hasn't been supported by modern revelation. We do, however, have access to angels which can sometimes serve as guardians. Maybe the idea of guardian angels isn't entirely misled, just off by a little bit. We don't each have our own angel(s). I'm guessing that angels can move from person to person as they wish or as assigned by the Lord. And we don't have the promise of having angels always watching over us. Yes, angels are always watching us, but we have to strive to remain righteous in order to enjoy their presence. These angels are distinct from the Holy Ghost, who can also watch over us if we're righteous, but I'm not sure what the practical difference is or if the distinction is important.

The bottom line is that, thankfully, we are not alone. We can receive divine help and guidance, if we ask for it and try to live worthy of it. That's what really matters here. Whether that help comes in the form of a specific angel, or the Holy Ghost, or an undisclosed number of non-specific angels, the effect is the same. We can get help, if we pray for it. It just may not always be clear which angels and/or spirits that help is coming from.

1 comment:

Rozy Lass said...

I believe our "guardian" angels are our relatives, those who came to earth before us and those who will come after us. Those two groups wants us to be successful. I know without any doubt that my husband's grandmother influenced the right people to contact me so that her ordinances could be done. I can't wait to meet her! As a baby, our daughter used to babble to someone unseen. I swear if could have turned around fast enough I could have seen who she was "talking" to. When I introduced her to a picture of my grandmother our daughter got very animated so I'm sure that's who her "angel" was. My grandfather had many experiences with the veil being parted and seeing the spirit world. He told us that there are spirits all around us all the time. He also said that it was easy to discern which were the righteous and which were the evil spirits. Unfortunately I didn't ask him how, but I believe it had to do with their countenance. Anyway, our ancestors and our posterity are rooting for us and praying for us and will do whatever they are allowed to do to help us be successful in life, and keep the priesthood chain linking us all together intact.