Friday, July 26, 2019

Adversity with Others

One of the struggles of mortality is facing adversity together. In theory, facing adversity together can help build camaraderie and bring people closer together. Unfortunately, the opposite is also possible. Adversity can bring out the worst in people and can drive a rift between them. That's why we -  (Oh, who am I fooling?) That's why I need to be careful how I respond to hardship and adversity, especially when others are involved. I love the people in my life, and I don't want to express any frustration toward any of them, even at those times when I feel frustrated and we're together. I need to learn how to control myself so I don't accidentally take any of my frustration out on the people who matter to me, or better yet, so I can let go of that frustration altogether. That's one of the many lessons I need to learn some time in my life. It may not be my highest self-improvement priority at the moment, but it's still something I should work on, especially during those times when I have to face adversity in the company of others.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

It's good to remember that there's a big difference between expressing frustration (or other feelings) and taking frustration out on others. Sometimes letting the people around us know when we are feeling stressed, frustrated, disappointed, etc. can help them be patient and understanding, and it can help us feel a little better. Even when we can't "talk" about our feelings, just saying something like "I need to take a break", "I can't talk about it right now", "I'm feeling cranky", or "Sorry, I'm kind of in a bad mood today" can be helpful.

My office had a class about dealing with stress, and the teacher said that it's important to acknowledge emotions instead of keeping them inside. He said people feel a difference when they say something out loud or write it down, instead of bottling up their feelings or trying to push them away. It helps to work through the feelings and release the stress from our bodies. When we keep it inside, the stress can build up and cause problems for both our emotional & physical health.

This made me think about prayer and how we are taught to pray vocally. Perhaps this is one of the reasons--and blessings we can receive. We can grow closer to Heavenly Father and the people around us when we share with them how we feel.