Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sharing Burdens

People sometimes worry about being a burden on others, but I'm not sure how much they really need to be worried about that. When we ask for help from others, we simultaneously do several spiritually important things. We resist the kind of pride that says that we always have to do everything ourselves. We give others the opportunity to perform service (and reap the blessings of said service). And we lighten the burden any one individual has to bear by splitting that burden up among multiple people.

People are supposed to help each other bear our burdens, but we can't do that unless we are willing to share both our strengths and our burdens with others. Most of us are okay with giving service, and that's great! But we also need to be willing to share our burdens, especially when those burdens are too heavy for us to bear on our own. These shared burdens might create more work for others, but it's the kind of work that builds character and secures spiritual blessings. All things considered, sharing our burdens with others practically does them a favor, as they blessings they earn through doing service always makes that service worthwhile.

So, when we need help from others, let's not be too proud to admit it. We're only human. All humans need help at times. And by asking others to help us, we are giving them opportunities to secure heavenly blessings. Granted, we should help others as much as we can as well, since we don't want to be leaches and we could definitely use some blessings as well, but the bottom line is that we all lighten each others' burdens and secure blessings for ourselves and others when we all agree to share our burdens with each other, so when the need arises, we shouldn't feel too bad about sharing our burdens with others, especially when we're willing to share our strengths with them as well.

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