Monday, July 1, 2019

Find a Mountain

A Youtuber I follow recently published a book, and in a Youtube video he posted about it, he spoke of the importance of consistently working toward our dreams, as opposed to just daydreaming about them. I imagine that this would be fairly good advice, if only I had a dream to work toward.

Of course, there is the obvious purpose-of-life dream that I'm working on. I strive for self-improvement, with the ultimate goal of personal perfection and celestial exaltation. But that's more of a long-term goal. I don't have many, if any aspirations that I can achieve in this lifetime. Heck, I haven't even fully nailed down my career goals!

I think my problem is that I don't have any strong desires. I don't want anything badly enough that I'm willing to make every effort to get it. I am content, and I don't know whether that's a good thing because I don't really envy anyone or anything, or whether it's a bad thing because I don't have enough ambition.

When I was growing up, my family had money troubles, and I learned to make do and be satisfied with what we had. It was never much, but it was always enough. Right now, I don't have a whole lot, but I have enough, and I'm satisfied with that, maybe a little too satisfied. There is some virtue to envy, as it can give people the motivation to work hard for what they want. I don't want much more than what I already have.

I should find something I want. I should find a dream to chase. Every man needs a mountain to climb and a goal to strive for, beside any and all spiritual goals. My spiritual goals are important, but they're not enough. I need to find a temporal goal to strive for as well.

The good news is that I'm not completely devoid of wants. I want to want something. I have a desire to have a desire, and that might be part of the solution. Perhaps I can overcome my contentment by making it my goal to find a goal worth striving for. I don't currently have any mountains I want to climb, at least not any temporal ones, so maybe I ought to make it my personal goal to find one.

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