Friday, July 12, 2019

Relying on the Son

In a book I'm reading, Chronicles of Everfall: Shadow of the Conqueror, the magic systems are all based around light. This makes a great deal of sense to me, as, in the real world, almost all energy comes, directly or indirectly, from the sun. With very few exceptions, all plants (and thus all animals) rely on the sun. The sun also powers all our weather and the water cycle. The sun is even responsible for coal and fossil fuels, as their sources are organic creatures that originally got their energy from the sun. Almost all energy on earth, magical or not, came from the light of the sun.

The spiritual parallel here seems fairly obvious to me. I believe that God designed most life on earth to rely on the sun in order to remind all of us of the extent to which our spiritual lives depend on His Son. The earth itself and everything on it was created, directly or indirectly, by Jesus, and it's His power that makes both our mortal and our eternal lives possible. We rely on the Son of God just as much as all living things rely on the sun.

I am grateful for how generous Christ is with His power and how many reminders there are of our reliance on that power. It just goes to show how vital the Savior is to our spiritual welfare, just as light is vital to magic in Everfall and the sun is the source of just about all energy on earth.

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