Sunday, July 21, 2019

Playing Together

One of my favorite Youtubers, probably my absolute favorite Youtuber, sometimes plays video games with his wife, and it's adorable. It's heartwarming to see their interactions with each other, how they help each other, how they tease each other, and how they compliment each other, both on their gameplay and on their banter. I love watching them spending time together, working together, hanging out, and having fun. It's uplifting. In my opinion, that's just what a relationship should be.

People who love each other would do well to spend quality time together. Naturally, that time doesn't need to be spent playing games, but it should be spent in a way that allows them to communicate with each other and interact with each other, especially in a positive way. Watching a movie together isn't much good because there isn't much room for interaction. Playing games against each other isn't much good because it doesn't foster cooperation and unity. Working together, while important, isn't always a positive experience, and it's not good to associate one's relationship with drudgery. That's why I think it's good for couples (or people in any sort of relationship) to play games together on the same team. That can help them experience winning together, losing together, working together, and supporting each other.

I'm glad when I can see people in loving relationships playing together. It's a positive, uplifting experience, both for them and for me.

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