Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Line Upon Line

One of the messages worth learning from this week's Sunday School lesson is that learning in the Gospel (and everywhere else) comes by degrees. No one masters any subject immediately. One has to learn the basics first, which itself can take some time, and then one has to build on those basics one step at a time. Learning is a process, often a slow one, and that's true no matter what subject we're studying. It's tempting to want to understand everything at once, and I supposed God could make that happen, if He really wanted to, but rather than granting us all of the knowledge in the universe all at once, He lets us learn at our own pace, giving us new information only when we're ready for it. It's tedious and sometimes frustrating, but I can see some of the wisdom behind it. Too much information can be overwhelming. It's much gentler to learn things "line upon line."

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