Saturday, July 20, 2019

Getting My Thoughts Together

It is well beyond time for me to get my thoughts together and make an actual plan for the lesson I'm teaching tomorrow.

I'd like to start with Saul, since his story gives us a dramatic example of the main point I want to get across, that everyone can repent and that the Gospel is for everyone. But if I'm going to talk about Saul, it makes sense for me to start with Stephen, since he generally doesn't get the attention he deserves, and his story provides a good starting point for Saul.

Saul's conversion story links up well with Peter's revelation in numerous ways. Of course, both stories address my main point, but Peter's revelation also covers several other important topics, such as how church policies (and all their changes) are directed by revelation, which is directly relevant to my group of 11 and 12 year olds who are now joining our changing Youth program.

There are enough points in these two weeks of lessons that I probably won't have time to cover them all, so I'll prioritize getting to the point I most want to cover, and I'll see how much time I have left after that. I plan to have a robust conversation about how God isn't a respecter of persons, but if we exhaust that topic before we run out of time, we have other topics we can cover as well.

The lesson should go fine. I could feel much more prepared than I do, but still, it should go fine.

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