Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last-Minute Resolution Review

Time for a last-minute review of my goals for 2020.

Prayer - Formal Morning and Evening, Conversational Mid-day.
Hymns - Sing/Hum while Walking, Play Piano after Work
Meditation - At least Weekly, if not Daily

I almost want to add a goal or two that start with vowels so I can spell something with the acronym, but that would be short-sighted and poorly thought out. Besides, PHM is good enough. I might still pronounce it as "Fame" or "Fam," even without the vowels, or maybe I'll pronounce each letter individually, like ATM or HDMI.

The term I use to refer to the goal isn't as important as the goal itself and remembering to achieve it. Case in point, I can't remember if I said a prayer this morning, but I will certainly say a prayer tonight, and I'll try to remember tomorrow. I also played the piano yesterday, even though work won't start until mid-January. I should also meditate sometime soon. My plan is to meditate at the temple, if nowhere else, but we didn't go to the temple this week, and I didn't meditate at home. I will tonight, maybe right after posting this. Or right now. There's no time like the present.

I feel good about these goals. They're all good things to do, and I feel like they'll help me. Of course, they can only help me if I remember to to do them. Hopefully, blogging about them multiple times will help. I ought to also print up a list of these goals and put that list somewhere where I'll see it. Even putting a small note with "P.H.M." on it somewhere on my computer might do the trick. Referring to this goal on my blog throughout the year might also help. Doing either or both of those things should help me keep my goal.

In addition to remembering to keep my goal, I also need to not beat myself up for slipping up or falling short from time to time. The purpose of these goals is to help me draw closer to God. Beating myself up for not being perfect yet isn't going to accomplish that. Repenting will. So, when I fall out of the habit, as I'm certain I will, I'll dust myself off, recommit to the resolution, and carry on from there. There's no point in getting upset at myself or dwelling on how human I am. I am a child of God. I have the potential to become perfect. It's going to take time, and I'll make plenty of mistakes along the way, but I'll get there so long as I don't get discouraged and give up.

In a few moments, I'm going to begin a new year. This is a great opportunity for me to let go of whatever mistakes I've made in the past and instead focus on creating a better future. I believe that these resolutions I've made will help me do that. In my meditation just now, I pondered what my "best self" looks like, and while I don't have a clear, specific answer to that right now, I know that part of it is having a strong connection to God. Praying to Him daily, singing His praises, and focusing my thoughts on Him and my journey to Him will help me strengthen my connection to Him and help me be a better person. I want to be a better person by the end of 2020, and I believe that, if I keep these resolutions, I will be.

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