Monday, December 30, 2019

Thanks for Nothing

Today, I sent out a bunch of Thank You notes, thanking my family members for the gifts they got me, but I also received a Thank You note from someone to whom I hadn't given a gift. She thanked me for a gift I had gotten the family and for some service I did, both for the family and for her, but if you were to ask me, I'd say that it was nothing. The service I did for her and the family was nothing special. It's certainly nothing that warranted such a nice Thank You note. I was just helping out. I don't really think much about that sort of thing, but the person who gave me that note evidently felt gratitude for it anyway, and she even made me a note to thank me for it. She thanked me for something that I had thought was nothing.

This makes me want to thank her and others for the "nothings" they do for me and others. I want to thank my family members for the little things they do to help the family, including me, just as I was thanked for the little things I did. These small acts of service may not seem like much - they may be nothing, compared to the larger gifts and acts of service that people give this time of year - but these small acts of service still bless our lives, and those blessings amount to a lot more than "nothing."

So, the next time I thank someone and they tell me "it was nothing," I hope I remember to correct them. It wasn't nothing. Whatever it was, however small it was, it meant something to me. Or, if I'm feeling snarky and the mood is right, I might not fight against their "it was nothing" comment and instead say "well, in that case, thanks for nothing."

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