Friday, December 20, 2019

Unlucky = Cursed?

I've blogged before about how "Lucky" really means "Blessed" (Thanks to Teresa for the inspiration!). Whatever we think we receive by random good fortune, we actually receive by the grace of God. But tonight I started to wonder: If "Lucky" really means "Blessed," what does "Unlucky" mean? Are unlucky people "Cursed"? Sometimes, though not always.

It's certainly true that people pull down just penalties upon themselves (curses, if you will) and that such karmic justice is sometimes attributed to "bad luck," but I don't think that all instances of bad luck are the result of cosmic justice. After all, Jesus, Job, and many of the early saints didn't deserve the bad fortune they faced. They weren't cursed by God, at least, not for anything they did wrong. Instead, in Job's and the saints' cases, those afflictions were opportunities to prove (and/or develop) their faith and faithfulness and to earn tremendous blessings, and in Jesus' case, most of His suffering was necessary to bring about the most tremendous blessing anyone could receive. So, in a sense, some trials are blessings, or at least opportunities to gain blessings.

Just because a person experiences bad luck, that doesn't mean that they aren't blessed of that God is cursing them for any wrongdoings. It could simply be a trial of their faith, a natural consequence of their own or another's actions, or perhaps even dumb luck. Given God's power and His interest in us, I'm not sure how much I believe in luck, good or bad, but I think I know God well enough to know that not all instances of "bad luck" are indications that anyone is "cursed."

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

An interesting question. I don't think God makes bad things happen or curses people, but given His knowledge and power, we know that He can prevent them. He usually doesn't. Why? For some reason and in some way it is part of the mortal experience and, unbelievable as it seems now, to our ultimate benefit Some bad things are natural consequences of us or others breaking the laws of God or nature. Some seem to make no sense and certainly are not "earned" or deserved. I believe and trust that all things work for the good for those who love the Lord - eventually. Trusting Him in this is one of the big tests. It is also what can help us endure and not despair. Some day we will say it is all good.