Sunday, September 13, 2020

Actions Affect Others

In 3 Nephi chapter 8, we read about great calamitous destructions that came upon the Nephites (and presumably the Lamanites as well), in part because of their own wickedness, but also in direct response to an intensely wicked act for which they bore no responsibility. The descendants of Lehi did not crucify the Savior, but they experienced horrendous (super)natural disasters anyway.

Naturally, this seems unfair. People should be punished for their own sins, not for other people's sins and transgressions. Yet, we are often affected by the actions of others, and other people are often affected by our actions, for better or worse, whether they deserve it or not. We need to think and act carefully, so our actions don't negatively affect others, and we need to be aware that some of the hardships we experience may be the results of the actions of others, not necessarily signs of divine disapproval.

Regardless of how our actions affect others and how others' actions affect us, we can take some comfort in knowing that, in the end, God will make sure that everyone is treated fairly. The cosmic scales of justice will be balanced, and everyone will ultimately get what they deserve. But until then, we unfortunately need to put up with a little bit of unfairness. Mortal life sometimes isn't fair. Part of the test is seeing how we deal with the unfairness of life. So, let's do good for others, whether they deserve it or not, and let's be patient in our afflictions, whether we deserve them or not.

Everything will balance out in the end. But in the meantime, we'll just have acknowledge and accept the fact that people's actions can and will affect other people.

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