Sunday, September 20, 2020

Spiritual Batteries

My power just went out, but I can still blog because I have some battery life in my phone. Thankfully, I charged it today, so it should have plenty of juice in case the outage lasts into tomorrow. And my laptop has a pretty full charge that I can transfer to my phone if the outage lasts even longer than that. Even without external power, I can keep blogging for days.

I wonder if it's possible to have that much spiritual power. With God, we can do anything, but when God withholds His blessings, as He did with Job, how long will our faith hold out? It's easy to serve (or forget) God when He blesses us. How long would we keep serving Him after those blessings stop coming? It's an important, if academic, question to ask. How strong are our spiritual batteries? How fully charged are they? If our spiritual power got shut off for whatever reason, how long would our spiritual batteries last?

I'm worried that I might not like my answer. Perhaps I ought to work on that. I know it's crazy to think about having to get by without God's help, even for a little while, but still, it's important to be willing to stay faithful, even if one's blessings get cut off

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