Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Better Person

God is a much better person than I am. He's far more patient and understanding. He's far more generous and forgiving. Sometimes, I wonder just how poorly I'm doing at trying to become like Him. Sometimes, I look at where I am and how far I need to go, and I wonder if I'll ever make it.

Thankfully, I know that I can cross that distance at my own pace. There's no deadline. As long as I keep going (however slowly) and stay committed to keep going until I get there, I will eventually get there. It's only a matter of time, and God is able to grant me an infinite amount of time.

So, yes, God is a much better person than I am, and thanks to His Eternal Progression, He always will be, but thanks to my Eternal Progression, I can become as good a person as God is now. I can become a better person; I just need to keep moving forward and not get discouraged and quit.

I'm not as good a person as I should be, but I will be.

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