Sunday, October 27, 2019

"Quench not the Spirit."

This week, as we were studying this week's Come, Follow Me scriptures at Institute, one verse stood out to me in particular. If I recall correctly, it's 1 Thessalonians 4:19, "Quench not the Spirit." (I was wrong about one thing; it's in chapter 5.) This verse stood out to me because of the practice of "quenching" swords as part of the process of making them and because of the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, in the Armor of God. I have a whole theory on one possible interpretation of this verse, and I look forward to sharing that tomorrow, but first, I think it's important to acknowledge the most likely, most obvious interpretation of the verse. The Spirit is often related to a fire, so don't put out, or "quench", that fire. Don't do anything that might drive away the Spirit or dampen our sensitivity to it. It's a simple message, but an important one. We need the Spirit, so we need to be careful not to drive it away.

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