Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fuel and Change

My favorite verse of Smash Mouth's All Star is the last one:
Somebody once asked,
"Could you spare some change for gas?
I need to get myself away from this place."
I said yep, what a concept.
I could use a little fuel myself,
And we could all use a little change.
I like that this verse pulled some blogworthy insights out of a casual conversation with a stranger, and I especially like these particular insights, except that I think the singer got them backwards. We don't need change to buy fuel; we need fuel in order to change.

I think we can accept the fact that we all need to change. None of us is perfect. We all have areas where we can improve. However, changing isn't easy. It takes effort, and it takes energy to make the effort.  The energy that's needed in order to effect change differs from person to person. The "fuel" in this case is whatever "fuels" or motivates you. What's universal is that, since we all need to change, we all need to find out what fuels us and get enough of that fuel to bring about the needed change.

So, that's what I'm going to focus on this General Conference: What sort of fuel to I need and how can I get it? Because, most days, I feel like I've run ought of gas, and I know better than anyone that something has definitely got to change.

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