Monday, October 28, 2019

Too Apathetic to be Preachy

Sometimes, I struggle to know the right thing to do, especially regarding the unethical behavior of others. There are times when I want to correct them and even think that doing so would be the right thing to do, but most of the time, I stay silent, if only just to keep the peace. I suppose a better man would defend the truth with boldness, but my personal philosophy says something more like "to each their own." I acknowledge that not everyone has the same belief system; most people don't think that what they're doing is wrong. And, perhaps most damningly, I generally don't care enough to try to bring people around. I know that what some people do is sinful, and I feel like I should warn them of where their actions are leading them, but I don't care enough about those peoples' well-being to raise a warning voice. I'm unfortunately content to let people make their own decisions and suffer the consequences, even when I could have warned them.

I know that this apathy is a vice on my part. I know that I should care enough to warn people about the sinfulness of their actions. But I don't care enough about people, I don't want to have any awkward conversations or heated arguments, and I certainly don't want my preachiness to come back and bite me.

So, I guess I was wrong. I don't struggle to know what the right thing to do is regarding the unethical behavior of others. I know what I should do. I just don't want to do it.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I don't know.
It is not always going to be helpful preach to people. Sometimes it is even counterproductive. We need to learn the art of polite disagreement. We must live our values. When the opportunity arrives in conversation, we should speak up for them. I am not sure we should go out of our way to call strangers to repentance - unless prompted by the Spirit.